Myers recently came out with a new line of their sump pumps. These pumps are very comparable to others on the market today. You should consider all makes and models before purchasing one that is right for you. Here are three of the new Myers sump pumps.

Myers S33
This model comes in at 1/3 Horsepower and is submersible. It is made specifically for water removal and long needed applications that involve small amounts of debris. It contains a recessed vortex impeller. This Myers pump allows for open passage for solid materials without even contacting the impeller. They even put in a feature of having minimal radial loading. This means you will have a much longer ball bearing life. The S33 offers the user a choice of a wide angle float switch or a vertical mechanical switch. The motor on this model is oil filled.

Regular Sump Pump Model by Myers
The regular model is made for drain water removal and other needs that involve smaller amounts of debris. They have a fast level control that allows for long lasting automatic operation. It also allows for free flowing passage for solid debris and does not let them touch the impeller. This model also has low radial loading that will let your bearings last much longer. The motor on this one contains thermal overload protection and an automatic reset feature.

Myers Water Ace 1/2 Horsepower Submersible Sump Pump
This model is made for your more heavy duty jobs in your basement or in light commercial uses that require frequent water draining. It has a 1 to 1 1/2 discharge. The motor pulls in at 115 volts and is oil filled for maximum heat dispersion. The water ace also has bult in overload protection and a hard cast iron housing with a rust resistant cover and base. The maximum flow for this one is 53 gallons per minute. The Water Ace can replace any other pump you currently own and only needs a sump of 14 inches.

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